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  • dianeeiunderwood22

Recovery From a PRP Injection

The recovery period following a PRP injection is generally less than a week. Usually the area will feel a little sore and swollen for a couple of days. The pain and swelling are normal and will subside on their own. After a PRP injection, the patient can resume regular activities, including driving, but should avoid strenuous activities for a few days. Patients should also avoid taking anti-inflammatory medication and aspirin, which can cause further problems.

There may be some bruising at the injection site. If you experience pain, you can take Tylenol or cold compresses to reduce the inflammation. You should avoid taking anti-inflammatory medicines for the next several days. However, mild pain is normal and will subside on its own. Once you are feeling better, you can go about your normal activities. You should avoid any strenuous activities for a few days after your procedure.

Patients who undergo a PRP treatment can return to work the same day. Most patients need a day or two of rest after the procedure. You should avoid strenuous activities for a week after the procedure. You should avoid alcohol for one or two days as well. You can start light exercise again, but it is advised that you avoid strenuous activities for a couple of weeks. A PRP treatment may also cause bruising or a soreness around the injection site. Get the right doctor for prp injections utah or read more details at

Before you undergo a PRP injection, you should be aware of the risks and benefits. Inflammation can occur around the injection site and may last for up to 24 hours. You should use Tylenol or cold compresses if you feel any pain after the procedure. Although mild pain is normal and temporary, you should avoid anti-inflammatory medications after the procedure. Your body will gradually recover from the PRP injection, but you should avoid strenuous activity for a few days.

After a PRP injection, you should be able to return to work after two or three days. You may need to take a few days of rest to recover from the procedure. During this time, you should avoid strenuous activities or exercises. If you are in pain, you should contact your physician immediately. After a PRP injection, you should avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and taking any other medication. You may need to undergo physical therapy to aid healing.

After a PRP injection, you should be able to go back to work the day after the procedure. After a PRP treatment, you should not exercise for the first couple of days. You should rest only for about two days. You should avoid any strenuous activity or strenuous activities. After a PRP injection, you will need to rest for about a week. Your doctor will recommend that you avoid taking anti-inflammatory medicines for a week. You should not use any medications that can interfere with the healing process. You can read more on this here: ​

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